Karen Hoyt is a blogger who has a story about hepatitis C, cirrhosis, end-stage liver disease, liver cancer, and liver transplantation. This excerpt first appeared on Karen’s I Help C blog.

I’m just like you. Part of my days recently have been spent researching, reading online, and jumping into any webinar or group that I can. It’s especially important for me to understand how transplant recipients and other immune-suppressed people be cured of Covid-19. My sweet husband has helped me. We’re a little obsessed. Finally, after gathering several stories, I wanted to share what I’ve learned.

Other Immune Suppression from Hepatitis C

Even though I had cleared the Hepatitis C Virus, my body was pretty ravaged with liver disease. Into the classroom, I used sterile wipes and sprays to wipe down the door knobs and pencil sharpener frequently. Since I touched a ton of textbooks, that meant washing my hands more. I became a pro at staying sanitized pre-transplant.

One Case: There has been one person in the U.S. who messaged me that they had a thick head cold and fever. They got shaky and cold one minute, and hot and sweaty the next. This was early March, when it seemed that most of the cases were in Europe or China. Their big fear was that their hepatologist dismissed them after they cleared Hepatitis C with anti-virals. The primary care doctor shrugged off their symptoms as the regular flu. This person attended a local outdoor social event and think they may have caught Covid there.

Since this person who is hep C free is not high risk, they did not test, but isolated at home.

Many in their area have since been diagnosed, and some are hospitalized. It seems that they are doing fine in spite of having cleared Hep C, and having the new virus. This person has a lingering cough, and has probably built immunity to the Coronavirus. Again, so much is not known.

To read the rest of this blog, click here.