International Liver Congress 2022
Remember the pleasure of face-to-face events? We’re looking forward to enjoying them again: the happy coincidences, the chance meetings at conferences, networking in person during coffee breaks, chatting with fellow delegates as you stroll to your next presentation, bumping into somebody you haven’t seen for years.
At ILC 2022 we’ll bring this all back to you, safely. But in a new model, reshaping our scientific programme, offering a fresh experience, merging the very best of ILC tradition and cutting-edge developments. With more time for reflection, more space for comfort. The session rooms, networking locations, catering, exhibition, poster area, and shared spaces will be set up according to optimal prevailing health and safety precautions. We will build on decades of ILC traditions, improving it with emerging insights.
ILC 2022 will offer best of class onsite learning and community experience in London. With a scalable digital extension to allow those, especially our newly won digital audiences, to participate online and on demand.
Relish the ILC 2022 experience, then savour the moments for month to come, at home on EASL Campus.