Waiting for Hep C test results is never easy. Waiting for the outcome, waiting to hear “Non-Detected,” and “Cured from Hep C,” those are golden words every Hep C patient longs to hear. Hep C patients long to hear and see the Hep C giant fall.  Sometimes it’s necessary to go more than one round with the giant before he falls, but with improved Hep C treatments with higher cure rates Hep C patients have greater advantage of victory than ever before.

I’m working on a special project and in reviewing my 2012 Hep C treatment journal, I came across week 7 of post treatment and was taken back to this special time of victory over Hep C. Perhaps you can relate to sharing this elation or find hope in hearing these two tremendous words, “Non-Detected.”

Post Treatment for Hep C: Virus Load Results. November 13, 2012

This is week 7 since Hep C treatment has been completed and the wait is over. The results are in for my first post Hep C treatment virus load test. If you hear a shout as big as Dallas, then hold onto your hat, “Yippee, It’s NON-DETECTED”!!


Folks, I’m clicking my heels together. If you were here we’d do a big high five and arm in arm doe se doe then sit down and toast to a big glass of ice tea! As you can tell I’m happy! Mostly, I’m thankful and relieved. The very first thing I did when I got the news this afternoon was to Praise and Thank God for this indescribable gift.


It’s hard to describe but even though you rest in God’s leading, especially in the ‘waiting room’ for test results, there is such a wave of relief wash over you. I can only imagine what David (in the Bible) must have felt with his adrenaline high as he faced Goliath, (1 Samuel 17:1-50) even though he held to his faith and trust in the living God, it must have been relief to see that Giant kick up his heels in the dirt.


I can imagine the Israel Army had one eye closed and holding their breath as they waited to see what was going to happen. I’ll bet you could hear a pin drop until the roar of the Israel Army erupted with cheers and shouts of victory. It must have been awesome. I can hear the echo of their cheers. I can feel that moment as David did because I feel the same way in my heart. My Hep C giant is dead!


If you have been following my treatment journey you know this makes “5” Non-Detected virus load counts. 4 while in treatment and now the first for post Hep C treatment (My Hep C treatment lasted 6 months). My doctor told me he would test my Hep C viral load count (RNA) every 3 months for a year and then taper off.


My first post Hep C treatment mile marker has been checked off and I’m good to go. Oooooh, I’m one happy girl right now dancing around in my robe and fluffy house shoes. (OK, maybe that was TMI), well anyway, I’m pumped!


Jesus said, “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.” Mark 10:27

Thank you Lord for your indescribable gift! All glory, honor and praise to you!


Never give up hope. There is Hope to Defeat the Hep C giant.


Joni Eareckson Tada shared this truth, “The fact is, if God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.”

“I am still confident of this; I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” Psalm 27:13

Are you waiting for Hep C news right now? What news are you waiting for?

This entry was originally published on Life Beyond Hepatitis C, and is reprinted with permission.