First, an update on my lab results. I now have reached SVR12 as of November 6th and hope the others on this trial will be doing the same. My last labs showed that everything was in normal levels.
The best solution for all hepatitis C genotypes is going to be the combination of the just approved Sovaldi (sofosbuvir) & daclatasvir (prescribed off-label once daclatasvir gets FDA approval); or Gilead’s two drugs Sovaldi and GS-5816. Either of these would work in all genotypes without the need for ribavirin or interferon. With these drugs there would not even be a need for genotype testing... same drugs regardless of genotype.
Let’s all continue to pray that these drug companies will soon realize they can make billions by working together. Otherwise their ’demographics’ (i.e. people with HCV) are dying off at the rate of 1000 each and every day. At any rate, we must all continue to do what we can to make sure patients, doctors, and the FDA are aware of the success of these drug combinations, and there is no need to subject people to the brutal side effects of interferon or ribavirin, which can be long-lasting and even permanent. So please keep spreading this message in any way you can think of and I will continue to do the same.
Also, if anyone has any other ideas or suggestions on how to facilitate this, please let me know. I still find it hard to believe this is not worthy of national news coverage since we are dealing with a worldwide epidemic!