Karen Hoyt is a blogger who has a story about hepatitis C, cirrhosis, end-stage liver disease, liver cancer, and liver transplantation. This excerpt first appeared on Karen’s I Help C blog.

"Boy, am I glad this day is finally over.” The recent words of a friend caused me to stop and scan my own attitude about the minutes that make up a day. My first impulse is to say that we have freedom to choose how we spend each minute. But is that really true? Some of my time is dictated by a lot of factors, such as health, relationships, or finances. You’ve wasted time waiting in a doctor’s office or making money. Honestly though, is it wasted, or do we have a choice of how we spend our time?

Lately my time has been spent on these things:

  • Physical therapy for post tibial tendon injury
  • Researching joint and muscle pain side effects after Hepatitis C Treatment
  • Teaching yoga
  • Showing the farm to potential buyers
  • Sharing weekend meals with our kids
  • Learning Zumba with my granddaughters
  • Speaking engagements
  • Volunteer work
  • Traveling with my dream guy
  • Networking
  • Training for World Transplant Games

It’s a busy and wonderful life I lead. Making every minute count is a way to honor my Creator, my donor, and myself. This looks like a glamorous life on paper. If you were with me, you’d find that there is a lot of personal work going on to make it all come together.

To read the rest of this blog and find out what Karen does in between the above, click here. Her answer to the question, “If I can’t do what I want to do, what is the next best thing?” is soul soothing.