There is great hope with hepatitis C, no matter what stage you are in. Early diagnosis and new treatments available can help hep C patients and their families receive a cure, as well as those who are diagnosed with advanced stages and may require liver transplant.

In this blog, we are going to look at two types of liver transplants: Total Donor Transplant and Living Donor Transplant. We will also examine common questions concerning liver transplant and issues with hepatitis C.

According to the American Liver Foundation, a liver transplant is the process of replacing a sick liver with a donated, healthy liver. Liver transplants require that the blood type and body size of the donor match the person receiving the transplant.

Currently more than 6,000 liver transplants are performed each year in the United States. Liver transplant surgery usually takes between four and twelve hours. Most patients stay in the hospital for up to three weeks after surgery.

Donated livers come from living and non-living donors. Living donors can donate a part of their liver. Both the donated and the remaining part of the donor’s liver will regenerate and grow to the size the body needs in weeks.

Most donated livers come from people who recently died and had no liver injury. Non-living donors either have agreed to be organ donors or their families decide to donate after the family member has passed away.  In all cases, donors and families are Hero’s for Life for those battling liver disease.

Today we are featuring two important medical video’s. Dr. Joseph Galati M.D, of Liver Specialists of Texas, will share the “Five Most Common Questions Liver Transplant Patients Ask.”

  • Our second Video features, Dr. Nabil Dagher M.D. Director of Living Donor Transplantation at John Hopkins Comprehensive Transplant Center. Each will address important questions and answers common to Liver Transplant patients and in depth information regarding the difference between the two types of transplants.

Do you have a question about liver transplant? Have you or a loved one gone through a liver transplant? 

Helpful medical information about liver transplants and the steps for evaluation.