This is a brief but important post about recent results examining relapse rates in people treating Hep C genotype 3 with the combination of Sofosbuvir and Daclatasvir, with or without Ribavirin.
There is a strong and growing body of evidence that people with Genotype 3 should be having a treatment period of 16 weeks minimum to clear the Hep C virus completely and avoid relapse.
Results of a survey of a large group of people treating Hep C G3 with Sofosbuvir and Daclatasvir show that for people doing only 12 weeks treatment the relapse rate is every much higher than for other genotypes.
The research suggests that people G3 and without cirrhosis should do a minimum of 16 weeks of Sof+ Dac whilst people with Hep C G3 with cirrhosis should do a full 24 weeks of treatment using Sofosbuvir 400 mg and Daclatasvir 60 mg.
The results of this research are yet to be published but it confirms my own observations based on feed back from people with G3 who had relapsed. Of the people who I know who have relapsed (total of five) 80% of all relapses were from people with G3 who did 12 weeks.
Of course I am not a doctor and you should get professional medical advice when making Hep C treatment decisions.