Sunday 7th June
I am feeling pretty well. Still a few minor side effects like a bit of a headache occasionally, a bit of insomnia, a few weird blotches under my skin. Nothing that causes any real problems. I have noticed that my typing is not as good as it was a few weeks ago. I’m not hitting the keys as smoothly and missing letters occasionally or typing words back the front... but again nothing dramatic.
I went and spoke with the nurse at the Hepatitis Clinic on Friday. She was pleased with my progress and that my GP was supervising the treatment. She reminded me that anemia can be a problem with ribavirin and that my next blood test should be a full blood test, specially looking for anemia.
Harvoni and other new Hep C Drugs
As I have said before, until I found out I had Hep C I knew nothing about the disease. Once I learned that I had Hep C my research tended to focus on treatment options for my specific case, genotype 2. Luckily for me genotype 2 is the easiest hepatitis genotype to treat and responds very well to the sofosbuvir and ribavirin combination.
One of the things that has happened since beginning this blog and communicating with people who have the various Hep C genotypes is that I have begun to study the various treatment options, particularly those published by
EASL-The International Liver Congress of April 2015. The reports tabled at this conference represent the very latest research into Hep C and include all the recent breakthrough drugs. These reports make very interesting reading and discuss the various new drugs, like Harvoni, which have just come, or are about to come, onto the market.
Click here to read the original blog in its entirety, which includes links to info for Australians who might want information about generic sofosbuvir.