Hepatitis C and bad news never go on vacation. Between the news about the U.S. Congress gutting healthcare and the recent horrendous hepatitis headlines, things look bleak. My Pollyanna nature needs a feel-good story. Emalie Huriaux of Project Inform and Chair of the California Hepatitis Alliance rescued me from my misery.

“I thought this story would be of interest to many of you who are or are considering providing hepatitis C treatment in non-traditional settings. The story highlights innovative work happening in California (in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Berkeley, and Mendocino), including the provision of hepatitis C treatment in shelters and syringe exchange programs.”

It’s a lovely story, and if you want your spirits lifted, click here to read it.

Then for an hour or a day, turn off all electronic devices, ban conversations about the news, and take a short break. The world is a lovely place with good people in it, doing wonderful work. Relish this fact.

But don’t rest too long. We need all hands on deck to make the world a better place.