Programs Available to Help Pay for Treatment

Many resources exist to help Hep C patients and their families get the proper medical and treatment assistance they need. It is important to understand the potential out of pocket expenses for treatment.

Check with your insurance company regarding coverage. There is help for you if you don’t have insurance or need help with co-pays with your insurance coverage, or if you have been denied treatment from your insurance company.

You can contact the pharmaceutical companies and patient assistance programs, to find out which assistance is right for your needs.

If one resource isn’t right for you, keep going until you find the resource you need. Be proactive and persistent. The right help is out there for you.

Click here to visit Connie’s site with extensive information to help with cost of hepatitis C treatment, other medicines, vaccinations, and medical care. Editor’s Note: Connie’s list is an excellent resource, and worth taking a look at.