What do you do when your need is bigger than your faith? Have you been there? In this life we all deal with difficulties, challenges, heartbreak, physical illness, etc…no one’s immune.

Jesus told us, “. . . in this life you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 NIV

You may think God is not listening, I assure you He is.

The diagnosis of Hep C can be overwhelming. Living with Hepatitis C can bring challenges. No matter if you’re dealing Hepatitis C or another health concern Relying on our own strength is not enough.

The Bible talks about even faith as small as a mustard seed is great. You may have small faith, or struggle with unbelief but God hears those who call out to Him even with mustard seed faith and sincere honesty to help them with their unbelief.

No matter what challenge you’re facing right now God knows every care and worry you are carrying. You can turn to Him and find help. You can take comfort in knowing He hears. You have his full attention. You can come as you are and sit at His feet.

When I was diagnosed with Hep C I felt like my life had derailed. Peace came when I gave God all my concerns about Hep C and the future. The same God who spoke creation into being is the same one who listens to every sigh. He knows the beat of your heart and the heaviness of your burden. The one who rolled away the stone still does my friend.

“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7 NIV

The definition of “cast” is to hurl, throw or fling, shed, discard. . . release, let go. If you have given and released your worries, cares, and concerns to Christ, remember He is more than able to take care of every care. He’s just waiting for you to let go. Take a step of faith and cast ALL your anxiety on Him because He is faithful. Don’t go back to the cross and pick it up. Give it to Him, and Trust.

He is the God of yesterday, today and tomorrow. There is nothing in this day you and He can’t handle together. He is the God who sees. He is the God who hears. He is no stranger to suffering and anguish, he’s been there. He is the God who provides. In exchange for worry, He will give you comfort and peace.

He will get you through this. He is the God who hears your cry of distress. He is the God of Hope.

“Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress, and he hears my voice.” Psalm 55:17 NIV

Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear. Isaiah 65:24 NIV

I love the Lord, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live. Psalm 116:1-2 NIV

The Lord is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion. The Lord protects the simple hearted; when I was in great need, he saved me. Psalm 116:5-6 NIV

In my anguish, I cried to the Lord, and he answered by setting me free. Psalm 118:5 NIV

Father, you can see inside the deepest part of my heart. You know what I am feeling even when I can’t form the words. You alone know my sorrow and anguish. Thank you for the sweet assurance that you hear me and care about every detail in my life. Help me when I need to collapse in your arms. Wash your comfort over me and bring me relief. My future is in Your hands. Please give me your peace in the midst of this trial and provide for my needs. I lay my need in your hands. In Jesus name, I ask and pray. Amen.

This entry was originally published on Life Beyond Hepatitis C, and is reprinted with permission.