God is bigger than any battle we are facing with Hep C. I knew in my fight with Hep C I was not alone. God had already gone ahead of me to prepare the way and continued to be with me every step of the way.

I knew it then, I know it now. With assurance I put my trust in every single moment of my battle with Hep C in His hands. Today I look back down this long hard road in awe of His plan. When my Hep C journey began over 20 years ago the only thing I knew for sure was, I was safe in Christ not only for eternity but whatever He planned for my life on earth, He would get me through it.

I didn’t have to understand it, He just asked me to trust. I didn’t have to live in fear, He just asked me to have faith.  

He was there when I became infected through my surgery. See my story. He was there when I got the shocking news. When I fell apart He comforted me beyond anything I could imagine.

Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.  Psalm 42:5 NIV

When I dealt with treatment, in those dark nights when I was dealing with insomnia from Hep C treatment, he was right there.  In the doctor’s office while I was awaiting test results, he was right there. When I was sick and felt miserable, He was right there.

When I was taking my Hep C treatment meds and didn’t know what to expect, He was right there. He was there when I got the news that treatment did not work. Both times.

Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life.  Psalm 138:7 NIV

He was there to give me glorious reprieve days, and revive my downcast spirit.  He whispered to my heart, “do not fear, take courage, I am here.”  I did not know the end of the story, I knew He was writing it, not me, not Hep C.  My days are defined by Christ, not by Hep C. My times are in His hands and His plans for me are good.

And He was there when I received the news the last treatment had worked, I was cured.  He did that. He worked in ways I could have never imagined. And His promise was true, He never left me. He indeed made a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland of my life. He redeemed what was lost and I gained more than I dreamed.

The gift of a cure from Hep C.  It was the gift of His presence which continues to be the miracle in my life.

The song of my heart and our special scripture this week; I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”  Psalm 91:2 NIV

This entry was originally published on Life Beyond Hepatitis C December 8, 2014. It is reprinted with permission.