Are you tired of hearing excuses when it comes to viral hepatitis? Whether it’s to do with the cost of treatment or the fact that that most people don’t think viral hepatitis affects them, excuses like these are stopping us from achieving a world with NOhep by 2030.
The NOhep:NOEXCUSE pledge campaign is a year-round advocacy and awareness-raising activity calling on policymakers, medical professionals and the general public to stop making excuses and pledge simple actions to help eliminate viral hepatitis.
The campaign will launch on Zero Discrimination Day (ZDD), 1st March. We’re asking you to send a powerful message to your community that there’s NOEXCUSE for discrimination and there’s NO EXCUSE: Viral hepatitis can be eliminated. The pledge page is now live, so you can add your pledge here. You can also find lots of materials and resources for you to use on ZDD!
Here’s a few simple way on how you can get involved with the campaign:
- Add your pledge here
- Share the campaign’s images on your social media profiles, and encourage your followers to add their name to the pledgewall – don’t forget to use #NOhep!
- Use the pledge for advocacy by sending the link to your policymaker
If you’d like to find out more about how you can use this campaign, you can get in touch with NOhep on
There’s NOEXCUSE. Get Involved!